TURFSTONE™ Driveway Pavers | Unilock New York
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The latticework design of Turfstone has long been a favorite of landscape architects and engineers for areas requiring supported turf and erosion control. Filled with grass or aggregates, Turfstone creates a permanent solution for emergency access areas, embankments, spillways, and environmentally sensitive parking lots.
Shape and size

400mm x 600mm x 80mm
15 3/4" x 23 5/8" x 3 1/8"

400mm x 600mm x 80mm
15 3/4" x 23 5/8" x 3 1/8"

Patio & Walkway
Technical information
  • Laying Patterns
  • Packaging
  • Things to know
  • Cross Sections
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Laying Patterns
  • Laying Patterns
  • Packaging
  • Things to know
  • Cross Sections
Unit Thickness (mm)
Layers per Bundle
Sq Ft per Bundle
Sq Ft per Layer
Sq Ft per Unit
Units per Bundle
Units per Layer
Lbs per Bundle
Lbs per Layer
Lbs per Unit


Turfstone has long been a favorite of landscape architects and engineers for areas requiring a supported turf. Its filigree design makes it an attractive and permanent solution for emergency access areas, embankments, spillways, and environmentally sensitive parking areas. Voids may be filled with grass or colored aggregates.

Recommended Base Stabilization – one layer of DriveGrid stabilization grid between subgrade and base material. Recommended depth 8” to 10” below pavers for maximum stability and performance. Use under Standard Base only.

Standard Base – Min. 6” – 8” of ¾” Crusher Run gravel (any road base standard in accordance with ASTM-D2940) compacted to 98% Standard Proctor Density (SPD).

Standard Bedding Course – 1” thick of course sand– in accordance with ASTM-D2940) screeded over base.

Jointing Material and Joint Stabilization 

Fill all holes with topsoil to promote grass growth in openings.

Handling – This product is heavy and a two-man clamp is recommended for placement.

Edge Restraint - A concrete curb or a “sub-surface concrete wedge” can also be installed to retain the edge.

Paver Compaction - For the final compaction, a “rubber roller compactor” will give you the best results without breaking the block .

Cleaners – Not applicable

Sealers - Not applicable

Recommendation: Sealers – After the soil is placed in the openings, it is recommended to seed the area or fill with sod plugs. In order for the grass to establish, provisions must be made for watering. In dry areas, consider irrigation over this area to prevent turf burnout.

The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) provides measurable criteria to determine compliance, not individual product evaluation. Gaps, joints or openings, greater than ½” horizontal and ¼” vertical should be avoided as they can disrupt wheelchair maneuvering (United States Access Board – Guidelines and Standards).

Why Unilock’s Products Are Great to Install

Jeff Hummel from Hummel's Landscape explains why he chooses Unilock products first, and why the quality of the product makes it easy when it comes time to install.

Jeff Hummel
Hummel's Landscape
Unilock products and service – best in the industry

Leon Raber from Creative Hardscapes talks about the quality and innovation of the Unilock product, and the wide range of color tones available. He also explains how he is most impressed with the contractor service provided by Unilock, and how the support makes him feel like family.

Leon Raber
Creative Hardscapes
Why Unilock products are top tier

Dave Caroselli from Shearer Patio & Landscape Services explains why being creative in the hardscape industry is something that he enjoys and why he feels that Unilock product is top tier in the industry. He also talks about how the UniLyft system has helped him efficiently complete a project with speed and precision.

Dave Caroselli
Shearer Patio & Landscape Services
Unique Technologies
Since the 1990s, our EnduraColor pavers have made use of a special manufacturing process that helps retain color for years or even decades to come. It’s a proven process that Unilock introduced to North America well before any other manufacturer. With that kind of resilience in the pavers they choose, homeowners can rest assured knowing that their property will continue to stun friends, neighbors, and even potential buyers well into the future.
EasyClean products are factory sealed, delivering integral stain resistance. Where traditional concrete has capillaries that allow dirt and moisture to penetrate its surface, EasyClean offers a fine layer of protection, allowing for easier cleanup of spills by helping to keep stains from settling in.
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